Transit Chart
7 Asc
8 Ven
9 10 Plu
11 Sat
12 Rah
1 2 Jup
3 Moo
4 Mar
5 6 Ket
Today: 22-Oct-2024 07:03:08 Hrs Delhi
Tithi Shashthi Asc Libra 12:00:27
Yog Siva Moon Gemini 07:21:00
Vaar Tuesday Sun Libra 04:57:07
Nak Ardra Sunrise 06:26:00 AM
Karan GAR Sunset 05:44:00 PM
Paksh - Rahukaal 02:54:30 PM
Maas ASVINA RahukaalEnd 04:19:15 PM
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